Burial Plot Form
If you are seeking a grave opening on behalf of a deceased person, you must complete the Burial Plot Form in order to designate the burial plot and substantiate the kinship right to burial at Clark Cemetery for the individual to be interred. Please complete the Burial Form and provide payment for the donation fee required to open a grave. This donation fee covers costs of preparing and maintaining the grave site location. You can download or print the form HERE. (Google Chrome & Android users may fill the form out directly online and then print it out. All other browser users will need to download it to your computer to use the fill in feature).
Please see guidelines for identifying graves below and Plot Foundation/Curbing Guidelines.
To reserve a plot space, please complete this form and contact a trustee or the Secretary at the address on the form. Each plot must have a curb or foundation and adhere to the Plot Foundation/Curbing Guidelines below. Each plot must be of the correct dimensions and must be identified by name and location using the grid map letters and numbers. A plot map can be made available or you can contact the Secretary for help in locating and identifying a plot location on the map grid. Please note that the reserved space does not require a temporary marker or permanent headstone, however, please note that each grave must have a temporary marker at the time of burial and must have a permanent headstone installed within twelve (12) months from the date of burial. Please see Basic Policies below from the adopted Clark Cemetery Association By-Laws.
Note: The following rules were adopted in the By-Laws, accepted March 21, 2011 and published 2012, revised April 23, 2022 and apply equally to plot space and new grave openings. See Foundation/Curbing Diagram below.
Basic Policies
- Reserved cemetery plots must be curbed. Curbs are to be no less than six (6) inches wide and no more than eighteen (18) wide on the west side of the plot and no higher than two (2) inches above the ground. The eighteen (18) inch width makes a solid foundation to set family headstones. The East-West plot dimensions are eight (8) feet inside and ten (10) feet outside.
- North-South dimensions are four (4) feet inside with a six (6) inch end curb optional. See the Foundation/Curbing Diagram on the next page.
- Flowers that become faded or wilted or out of season will be removed.
- All flowers must be secured in an upright position in containers or in the ground.
- Scattered flowers will be removed.
- Flowers are welcome on or against headstones only.
- Funeral homes are responsible for grave openings, funeral services and closings.
- Grave opening donation fee is $200.00. The donation fee may be prepaid.
- Trustee notification: A Clark Cemetery Trustee must be notified of upcoming funerals and any maintenance done on the cemetery grounds.
- Permanent headstones are required to be set within twelve (12) months of the family member’s passing. The headstone must be inscribed with the name, birth and death date of the deceased.
- Plantings of trees, shrubs, and/or flowers must be approved by the Trustees.

South-North dimensions for plots shall be four (4) feet wide and the East West dimensions ten (10) feet long to outside and meet both A. and B above Basic Policies excerpt from the part in Clark Cemetery Association By-Laws.
No grave opening, and no funerals or any work shall be done in the cemetery without prior notification of a trustee. A headstone marker meeting the Cemetery general guidelines must be placed on the grave no later than twelve(12} months after the grave opening.